Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Texada Island: Swimming the Limestone Quarry

DANGER, the sign says. High cliffs and subsurface ledges it continues. But a steady stream of cars find their way to the side of the road where a dusty trail leads hot summer visitors to the fresh waters of an abandoned limestone quarry. Young and old, schlepping beach chairs, blankets, towels, coolers, and sundry floating devices, make their way to the few spots available at the edge of the turquoise waters.

DANGER (2011-08-23)
DANGER (2011-08-23)

The limestone quarry in question is to found on Texada Island, that rather large, but seemingly forgotten island in the Salish Sea.

After a day or two of swimming in the salt water surrounding the island, the waters of the quarry offer welcome relief from the brine. NOTE: the shower hours at the Shelter Point Regional Park campground are limited, so washing off the brine is a hit or miss proposition for Texada campers.

Turquoise waters of the Texada Island limestone quarry (2011-08-23)
Turquoise waters of the Texada Island limestone quarry (2011-08-23)

A few "bays" in the turquoise waters of the  Texada Island limestone quarry (2011-08-23)
A few "bays" in the turquoise waters of the
Texada Island limestone quarry

A few "bays" in the turquoise waters of the  Texada Island limestone quarry (2011-08-23)
A few "bays" in the turquoise waters of the
Texada Island limestone quarry

Take your favourite floatation device and explore the  Texada Island limestone quarry (2011-08-23)
Take your favourite floatation device and explore the
Texada Island limestone quarry

If you're lucky, you find a spot right by the waters of  Texada Island's limestone quarry (2011-08-23)
If you're lucky, you find a spot right by the waters of
Texada Island's limestone quarry

DANGER Texada Island's limestone quarry (2011-08-23)
Texada Island's limestone quarry