Monday, September 9, 2013

Seton Lake on a Cloudy Day

My June trip up the Sea-to-Sky Highway, and then the Duffey Lake Road, called for a "Kodak Moment" stop at Seton Lake. The weather had not cooperated on this trip. While not exactly miserable,  there were plenty of clouds occasionally obscuring what would otherwise have been gorgeous mountain vistas. Nonetheless, even clouds can give pictures a degree of drama. Notwithstanding the fact that the skies over Lillooet are almost "always" blue, on this day things were a tad darker than usual.

The viewpoint just outside of Lillooet; Seton Lake (2013-05-23)
The viewpoint just outside of Lillooet; 
Seton Lake (2013-05-23)

Try as we might, we could not  spot (nor hear) the mountain  goats that occasionally  sramble about on these  slopes (2013-05-23)
Try as we might, we could not 
spot (nor hear) the mountain 
goats that occasionally 
scramble about on these 
slopes (2013-05-23)

The beach at Seton Lake is awesome to swim in during summer months (2013-05-23)
The beach at Seton Lake is awesome 
to swim in during summer months (2013-05-23)